1. In the year 2022 after many years of peace on the European continent and while most people believed that it would be impossible that war would happen again, a war broke out between Russia and Ukraine which in fact has been going on for months leaving behind tens of thousands of dead and millions of people refugees trying to escape and save their and their children’s lives. The war also caused economic and energy crisis for almost the entire planet, while the nuclear danger also returned. Are you satisfied with how the disputes between the states are resolved on a global scale, such as the differences between Ukraine-Russia? ...MORE
  • A. Yes I like it as it is! Humanity has no obligation to solve the problems of countries. The strongest countries or alliances have the responsibility for global security and justice and they intervene when they deem it right and they do what they understand, regardless of whether one supports one side and the other the other side of the adversaries, leading often the resolution of disputes in the military conflict between states. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B. So and so. The world certainly isn't perfect, but that's the natural evolution of things. We could do nothing more than to condemn the aggressive actions and impose sanctions. The big "powerful" states have taken on the role of resolving global issues. The rest of the world and the people of the world have no say, no responsibility and no ability to act, for what is happening around them. The problems that states have must solve them on their own. 25%, 3 votes
    3 votes 25%
    3 votes - 25% of all votes
  • C. No, I do not like the way differences are resolved globally! A state does not allow two people, two of its citizens to be slaughtered with each other, but it enforces the law and this should happen between states too. A lack of social civilization appears, since people are civilized while the impersonal states are not. Serious problems and emergencies involving entire states, their relations or global issues by definition should be resolved on the basis of a universal law-constitution and dealt with on a global scale. Humanity should be united to help people at risk of injustice and war and not remain inactive. Wars should be prevented and we should not limit ourselves in verbal condemnation and economic sanctions after the war begins. 75%, 9 votes
    9 votes 75%
    9 votes - 75% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 12
November 1, 2022
Polls Archive

Pay attention, we are not looking at whether it was the right action to start military operations or who was at fault! What we are looking at is the attitude of others, our attitude, the attitude of humanity. Is it the one we want? Is our attitude in line with our desire and beliefs?

The tragic multi-month war between Russia and Ukraine, on the outrageous pretext of the expansion of NATO and the isolation of Russia, in addition to the suffering of many millions of innocent people, also woke up the cold war from hibernation by implementing new major armaments programs and the possibility of a new world conflict seems like a reasonably possible scenario of life!

Another recent example of claims by one state against another, which eventually escalated into a war conflict, concerns the Nagorno-Karabakh region between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Once again the powerful states condemned the escalation, recommended restraint and called the two sides back to the negotiating table, while on the back side Turkey was helping its friend Azerbaijan to win and the rest of humanity remained inactive. What is left in the end are many dead, even innocent children, many displaced people who burned their houses and their churches so that the next ones would not desecrate them and much hatred and much pain, which acts as an unquenchable hearth of war in the world.

So are we satisfied with how the differences between Armenia and Azerbaijan were resolved?

The tensions that have continued for many years between Greece-Turkey and Cyprus-Turkey with continuous violations, blackmail, provocations, disputes and exploitation of immigrants, how long will they continue? Many times things get to the edge of war. Shouldn't the world community decide who is right and who is wrong and ensure that what is right is finally imposed in accordance with the ideal universal law? Shouldn't every possible action be taken to avoid another war with all its negative, ugly and bad consequences?

And the same shouldn’t happen in the case of Ukraine-Russia and in any other case when two states have differences or when a state exhibits blackmailing, threatening and aggressive behavior?

Isn't war a failure to enforce justice? Isn't war itself unjust? For how long will the small states become pawns in the hands of the great powers, in the game of competition, hostility and rivalry between them?

So this is our world’s universal law? The strongest wins? The law of the jungle? Who is really right and whether a better solution could be found and imposed is none of our business?

What we are only interested in is bullying and abuse between people and not between states; Or are we interested and we just haven't achieved this yet?...

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

2. The dominant system of government in the world is Democracy and it gives people the opportunity to express their desire for how their country should be governed and by whom. The main feature is that decisions are made by voting of the citizens and that the majority opinion prevails, so this is the system where the people have the power to decide for their own lives. Since we can decide about our lives in our countries and since what happens in the world affects the countries of the world, shouldn't all people have a say and demand and authorize elected leaders around the world to form a world parliament (such as the UN General Assembly) to vote on a universal law-constitution and to resolve disputes between nations ensuring world peace, facing at the same time the global issues of international security, justice, environmental protection and others that go beyond the borders of each state?
  • A.No, universal affairs are handled well and where there is a need one of the major countries (The great powers like USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, UK, FRANCE, GERMANY…) intervene according to their interests and resolve them. 11%, 1 vote
    1 vote 11%
    1 vote - 11% of all votes
  • Β.Yes, it is people's right to decide about their lives, and their lives depend on the whole planet, not on the narrow confines of borders. I believe that many global issues are not resolved at all or they are not resolved in the best way and there should be a world parliament made up of elected leaders from around the world and a universal law-constitution should be enacted to resolve differences between states, to ensure and protect freedom, justice and peace in the world, as well as environmental protection… MORE 44%, 4 votes
    4 votes 44%
    4 votes - 44% of all votes
  • C.Yes we should but we can't, it's utopia, it's not even worth trying. 44%, 4 votes
    4 votes 44%
    4 votes - 44% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 9
November 22, 2022
Polls Archive

The first universal law could be…

"All states accept the borders and the freedom of the inhabitants of each region, to choose in a democratic way, their way of life and self-determination as they wish. No state has the right to blackmail and harass another state or region, otherwise the offended state will fall under the protection and responsibility of the world community to ensure the freedom of expression of its inhabitants, while the state which offends will have to face the global security force.

When there are disputes between two states, they will be resolved automatically by the universal court, in accordance with international and universal law, and these decisions must be accepted by both parties, otherwise whichever party does not accept the decision will have to face the sanctions of the world Commonwealth

Making a new beginning as humanity, forgiving the mistakes of the past and setting a new principle where all states accept common world laws, based on the principle that all states have the same rights and obligations, as belonging to a civilized world Commonwealth.

The second universal law could be…

"When in a state or region there are suspicions or indications that its people are being held hostage and captivity by an oppressive authoritarian regime, then the world community must intervene by ensuring at least the proper conduct of a fair referendum" in order to determine whether these people enjoy the basic human values of freedom and justice and the rulers have their true approval and acceptance.

In the case it is found that the people of a state do not really accept their rulers, the world community in the context of human solidarity must take all possible measures so that there is no human being on Earth who does not breathe freely, enjoying its basic human rights of freedom and justice, since in the 21st century dictatorial and tyrannical regimes must be considered unacceptable and irrational.

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

6. In 2015 in Greece, law 4322 passed, also known as the "Paraskevopoulos" law for the decongestion of prisons, giving the possibility of releasing prisoners before the end of their sentence. (Estimation 1/10 to 3/5 of the sentence) Since then, many illegals, robbers and murderers have been released from prison, benefiting from this law, who went out and repeated their crimes. Do you think that this law is correct and does have the approval and support of the Greek people? ... MORE
  • A. Yes it is a good law, which fortunately decongest the prisons and so they work better. After all, let's not forget that it was voted by an elected government, which means that it has the approval of the majority. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B. Yes, it is a good law, but some improvements maybe needed, such as the recent increase in the minimum sentence that a convicted person must serve. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • C. No, I personally consider this law a disgrace to logic and human morality. In principle, it invalidates the very laws that provide specific penalties for specific offenses. The inability of the state of justice to make the penitentiary system work properly cannot be corrected by a mistake that leads to even more injustices. The approach to the issue is completely wrong and the failure of the penitentiary system and the state of justice is enormous, which should be more interested in the life attitude correction (repentance) of illegals and their release in the society, only if the protection of the law respecting citizens is ensured, from possible recurrence of their crimes. I do not believe that this law has the support of the people, some mistake must be made, some misunderstanding, since there are people, even those who voted for the government that passed this law, who consider that they do not agree and did not give their approval for such a law. This law must be withdrawn immediately. 83%, 5 votes
    5 votes 83%
    5 votes - 83% of all votes
  • D.Not sure or no idea 17%, 1 vote
    1 vote 17%
    1 vote - 17% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 6
December 19, 2022
Polls Archive

One of those who benefited from the law, was the Afghan who had thrown 23-year-old Spyridoula from a cliff (8 meters high) in Corfu in 2013, had been arrested, had been sentenced to 10 years, had been imprisoned and in 2015 was released from prison and went to Germany where he raped and brutally killed 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger, whose life was a promise of offering to humanity.

In August 2015, 67-year-old Manolis Oikonomou was tortured to death in Hydra by three people who also were released under the favorable provisions of the law, as happened with the murderer of 27-year-old Theodoros Papadopoulos. Unfortunately if someone continues to search will find thousands of released convicts for crimes and other tragic examples.







Even the Association of Prosecutors in Greece had expressed its objections pointing out that: "These regulations are equivalent to annulment of judicial decisions and negate the general and specific preventive effect of the imposed penalty" as seen here … Πηγή: iefimerida.gr - https://www.iefimerida.gr/news/450059/stoiheia-sok-pano-apo-12000-kratoymenoi-ehoyn-apofylakistei-me-ton-nomo-paraskeyopoyloy

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

From posts:
4. Do you believe that NATO is a useful and necessary global organization which performs an important task? If not what should be done?
  • A. Yes, NATO is doing a very good job and it is essential for world peace. 33%, 2 votes
    2 votes 33%
    2 votes - 33% of all votes
  • Β.No, there is no reason to exist because the danger of communism no longer exists and should stop its operation. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • C.No, there is no reason to exist, since NATO was created during the Cold War in response to the Soviet threat, but the danger of communism no longer exists and the "rival" Eastern bloc disbanded along with the Warsaw Pact. It could, of course, continue to exist if it was transformed into a permanent Global Security Force with the participation of all the countries of the world (including China and Russia) with the real goal of global security, justice and peace under the orders of the United Nations... MORE 67%, 4 votes
    4 votes 67%
    4 votes - 67% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 6
December 6, 2022
Polls Archive

Even the President of the USA (Donald Trump) had repeatedly expressed his intention to withdraw the US from NATO, saying he did not understand the usefulness of the North Atlantic Alliance and presented it as a "burden" for the US. Of course, then the national security advisers and high-ranking NATO officials, wanting to protect the role of the organization, assured everyone that NATO is a necessary component for the security of the West!

So when French President E. Macron later said that NATO was "brain dead" and needed to reconsider its strategy, the US president appeared offended and said, "He cannot go out and say such things about NATO."

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, NATO is becoming the number one global threat. The reason is that at the same time that it is unable to answer the question "who is the real enemy?" it continues to view Russia with suspicion and China's continued rise with particular reservations, maintaining the east-west separation and creating two dangerous poles of conflict.

But are we sure that we want to see the continuation of this fanatical competition, which leads to the America-NATO and Russia-China, East-West conflict for one more time, since World War II and the Cold War that has followed to this day, in deep freezing conditions?

On the other hand, NATO cannot provide a solution, even when there are disagreements and conflicts between its members (such as between Greece and Turkey), declaring itself incompetent and pulling its tail out, saying: "find the solution by yourselves".

The UN has been sidelined as it cannot make a decision when a member of the Security Council (with the right of veto) like Russia attacks Ukraine, while when it makes a decision like in the case of Turkey's invasion of Cyprus, it is simply ignored without consequences and ultimately there is no hope of finding a peaceful and just solution.

Probably no one cares who is right and who is wrong, except if someone belongs to the sphere of influence of the west or the east, as if they are two natural rival camps with such different interests and perceptions that it is impossible to reconcile, or at least agree that they accept common, universal, logic and fair rules. It is as if they are not on the same Earth that revolves around its axis from west to east and a point that would be visible to an observer from a spaceship that is in the west, after a few hours will appear to be in the east. It is as if they belong to different kinds of life and only one of the two can prevail on Earth.

However, in other cases, NATO may act voluntarily and spontaneously, such as in 1999 when NATO forces began bombing Serbia without the mandate or approval of the UN Security Council, in order to stop Serbian military operations against Albanians in Kosovo. The bombings caused thousands of casualties among unarmed civilians, Serbs, Kosovars and even other nationalities who happened to be in the area, and for some them NATO was forced to apologize.

But is this enough? Who decided this, based on which laws and on what evidence? To who is NATO accountable and by who is NATO ordered? Who is protected by this organism and who is persecuted? Can the view that this intervention was made to justify the reason for NATO's existence be correct?

The danger of nuclear catastrophe and the Cold War happily stopped with Mikhail Gorbachev's peaceful choice for the courageous internal disintegration of the USSR (1990), instead of dragging all of humanity into a new catastrophic war.

Theoretically, the West, as an adversary, should recognize the goodwill movement and show generosity from the favorable victorious position found, without battle and without blood, using this natural victory of the freedom of the people against the oppressive communist model, for the approach of the two parties and the mitigation of disputes. Unfortunately, the West continued through NATO with the same suspicion to maintain the Cold War climate.

And world leaders, instead of calling on both the Russians and the Chinese to participate in a universal alliance-agreement, in a world organization that will be far above NATO with the participation of the already friendly fellow human beings of Russia and China in an alliance against evil and injustice, they remain inactive, listening to NATO advice. However, Russia and China have not shown any hostility, at least to Western countries. Of course, when confronted with hostility from the powerful countries of the West, it is natural for them to respond in the same way. So, the expansion of NATO was used as the reason for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The NATO-Russia Council (NRC), set up in 2002 to bring the Western military alliance closer together with Moscow, has made no progress because it continues to suspend its operations due to strained relations between the two sides.

Is it not the right of an ordinary person to be able to know what the real problem is? We must not know what the terms of cooperation are and who does not accept what? Where are the negotiations stuck and why does the cooperation stop?

Instead of the ordinary person understanding who is good and who is bad, who is the enemy and who is the friend, or if there are no good and bad, but only people who respect the law and others who only look their interests, instead of the common man understanding these, under the pretext of secret conversations he hears only accusations and threats from one side and the other.

The West keeps saying "We believe the dialogue should continue but the ball is in Moscow's court" and Russia says "We are tired of the West's tricks". On the one hand, the US claims Russia's electronic interference in the US elections and President Biden characterizes President Putin as a murderer (before the Russian invasion of Ukraine), and on the other hand, Russia accuses NATO of continuing to expand its military presence in countries bordering Russia, which have traditionally belonged to its sphere of influence and so it feels threatened.

But as long as it seems that this tactic of NATO and the "West" continues to attract all countries into its ranks, leaving out Russia and China, and as long as Russia feels cramped and surrounded by hostile states, every country in the middle will pay the bill.

For example, Ukraine, where no one defended its independence, no one counted on the free will of its citizens, they just made them clash with each other to choose Russia or the West! Is it necessary for a state if it chooses to leave Russian influence, to join NATO's Western influence, or could it choose its freedom and obedience only to the universal rules of justice and equal world security?

Only a global constitution could ensure that no state or organization would intervene in another state or in a dispute between states, even under the guise of aid, unless there was a prior United Nations decision based on verified information and commonly accepted , rational and fair universal laws.

Only a UN, as a world parliament, could ensure and enforce world order, having at its disposal a world security force that intervenes only on a global mandate, when world laws are violated or when decisions of the world parliament are ignored.

The existing structures of NATO could also be used in this role, so that it does not disintegrate "from where it was formed", since the need to continue its existence is highly questionable, as long as the administrative affiliation of the organization changes, its name, its composition, its dogma, its purpose, its structure and its way of thinking.

Perhaps at some point the armies of the countries will not even be needed, except in the extent of their contribution to the global security and peace force, and the funds that could be saved by limiting the national armies could be channeled into the global search for human health, for the sciences and perhaps for the realization of extraterrestrial travel, so that we can really get to know the universe in which we live.

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

3. In Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, adopted at the end of WWII, states that the purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, to suppress any act of aggression or other breach of peace and to achieve by peaceful means and in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the settlement of international disputes or situations that could lead to a disturbance of the peace. In addition, UN is responsible for developing friendly relations between nations and achieving international cooperation to solve international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature. Do you think that the UN fulfills the reasons and properly performs these basic purposes for which it was created?
  • A.Yes, the UN is rightly fulfilling its primary goal of peace, security, and international cooperation. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • Β.No, the UN is not fulfilling the purpose for which it was founded, but that is the way the world is, we cannot do anything. 33%, 2 votes
    2 votes 33%
    2 votes - 33% of all votes
  • C.No, the UN is not fulfilling the purpose for which it was founded and something must be done to avoid the mistakes of the past. The UN must become the supreme authority on world affairs, be strengthened and upgraded by all states, and form a world parliament (of elected world leaders) that can make decisions on important issues concerning the whole world and enforce its positions to ensure world justice and peace... MORE 67%, 4 votes
    4 votes 67%
    4 votes - 67% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 6
November 29, 2022
Polls Archive

The reason why no decisions can be made in UN is because the 5 "big and strong" states of the UN Security Council have the right of VETO. This means that even if 192 of the 193 world’s recognized countries believe that something is unfair and that they should intervene in a situation which could turn into an armed conflict with unpredictable consequences for the world, 1 of these 5 "strong" countries is enough to cancel the wish of all the others and and justice not to be served.

With this shameful measure for the human spirit, the possibility of making decisions and enforcing them is practically from limited to non-existent. But this must stop! All the other 188 states and the billions of ordinary people on the planet must stop accepting it and demand a change of scenery.

Even when decisions are sometimes taken by the UN Security Council, they are often ignored, as was the case with decisions concerning the occupation of Cyprus by Turkish forces, but nothing was done to implement them.

But how this World Parliament could be put into practice and be reliable and have the authority, the will and the power to decide and impose the right and justice in world affairs on a large scale?

The aim is to achieve peaceful coexistence and justice in human societies. What is required is the respect of one democracy for the other, respect for the environment, good neighborliness and security, on a larger scale. The point is not to be unfair with the powerful states and not to let them strengthen for the benefit of the weak. The aim is that the small and powerless states should not be treated unfairly, that there should be no victims of innocent people, that there should be a fair distribution of wealth and that children and the weak should not fall victims to exploitation, so that human dignity should not be violated and lost.

We, the people of the world, by choosing option C, authorize the UN General Assembly, which is the largest gathering of the world's elected leaders and is made up of all the representatives of the billions of people on earth, and we want them to rise to the height they deserve and find a way to achieve and establish the World Parliament.

The decisions that will be made there, should not be just wishful thinking and concluding statements, but should resolve serious global issues and should be unthinkable to ignore, as it should be the most respected event on the planet, as well as their implementation, which should be self-evident and accepted by everyone.

It is not that difficult. It is not impossible for something to happen, if we really like to achieve it. We just need to find a fair numerical proportion of the participation of the peoples, in the percentage that corresponds to each one, in order to accept the participation of all countries in decision-making that concerns all of humanity. We just need to find this way of working and the voting method, which ensures that the best and fairest decisions will be made, on the crucial issues for the future of the human race.

There are many issues that need to be addressed on a global scale, otherwise the policy of each state becomes powerless and incompetent, since many of what is happening on the planet are not independent-indifferent and can lead to global interactions. These issues need to be clarified in order to be regulated, anticipated and resolved.

……………………………HUMAN GLOBALIZATION ............................

People should not be afraid of the word globalization, but only about the way some human minds perceive it. Only in this way, all the people of the planet, would not accept an powerful group, to decide by themselves for the salvation of the planet, but demand a World-elected Government and an Organization, similar to that of the UN (maybe the same but extremely upgraded), but with substance and real power.

The world community should create something like a World State, which will not allow its member states to quarrel with each other, but will supervise and enforce the Laws of the World. In other words, in the same way that the state of democracy operates in a state, but on a larger scale, the same should apply to the planet Earth. Let’s call it Homocracy.

So even the movements that are against globalization, instead of denying the new conditions, they should find another way of approaching the issue, not so negative, but positive conditionally. In this way, all people together would be able to demand a better way of doing things and contribute to the better realization of globalization, in their own way and not on the terms that richness would like to be, which clearly would like to be the "purpose" and not the "means".

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

8. Do you think that information and journalism are reliable and free? Do people learn the truth globally, or do we think that our information is a bit one-sided and relatively directed? Are we protected from fake news or is it easy to be seduced by inaccuracies and fabricated misleading news that lead to false impressions of the world?
  • A. Yes fortunately journalism is free and trustworthy. We are learning the truth and I am very satisfied. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B. Nothing is perfect. In general, things are satisfactory. We learn what we should, I wish the information was even better but it is not in our hands. Maybe something should be done with the fake news on the internet, which are reproduced without appearing to be a joke or satire, but misleads the world giving it the wrong impression of the world, but who can do anything? 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • C. No, I'm not satisfied. I often consider the information one-sided and directed. The media are not really independent, as they are rather dependent on government subsidies and grants and the support of other powerful financial interests. On the internet things are chaotic. Everyone says and writes whatever they want, since there are no implications for fake news and there is no valid assessment of the credibility of each website, things that should be coordinated globally. The most tragic of all, however, is when important issues that are deliberately hidden and are not in the interest of powerful people and circles to be revealed, come to the surface. Then begins a chase against journalists that can go as far as their physical extermination, to intimidate and exemplify the rest. But this is ultimately the most important news that people need to know to understand what is happening in the world and what needs to be done. Information is a function, it is a primary social project for a better world. There can be no proper democracy, justice and security if we have a wrong picture of the world we live in. If we do not know the truth, we live in a lie. Much needs to be done on a global scale to protect the freedom of the press and journalists, but also to protect people against false, arbitrariness and misinformation ...MORE 100%, 5 votes
    5 votes 100%
    5 votes - 100% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 5
January 11, 2023
Polls Archive


In Greece, journalists Socrates Giolias and George Karaivaz were murdered outside their homes. From the deadly ambushes they set them up, they received both dozens of shots and bullets, so that the killers make sure that they will shut their mouths forever.

The killers unfortunately remain unarrested and organized crime is not endangered by their reporting.

Only we are in danger of never learning what we should have learned, in order for this world to get a little cleaner and instead we learn things that we don’t need and that make our minds sleepy and lazy.

The UN, shocked by the global scale of the phenomenon, decided to act. So they established with the decision of the general assembly of the organization, as a world day to end the impunity of crimes against journalists, on November 2 of each year!

But what will we do? We will wait every year for this day to celebrate the memory of the unjustly killed heroes of our time or every day we will fight with them for a better today and for a better tomorrow?


Another example of "unpleasant" revelations is the case of 26-year-old journalist Roman Protasevich, who was traveling from Athens to the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, when his plane was forced to land in Minsk, where he was arrested.

Greece strongly condemned the act of "state hijacking" on the flight Ryanair FR 4978, which operated the route Athens-Vilnius, forcing it to land in Minsk, Belarus, endangering and temporarily put hostage a total of 171 passengers, in order to catch a journalist who publicly opposed the President for 17 years of Belarus, Lukashenko.

The charges against him included organizing mass demonstrations, disrupting public order and inciting hatred, for expressing his views and transmitting-spreading the violent repression of protests against the President of Belarus, on suspicion of falsified election result and allegations of arbitrary arrests, torture and ill-treatment.

The course of events has shown that the suspicions and the information must have been well-founded.

But what is the intervention of the world community. Where is the protection of freedom of expression and freedom of the press? Isn't that our issue? Is it a problem of the Belarusians and the world community has no reason to intervene? Let them solve it themselves and let a few thousand people be killed?

If a president abuses his office and turns the Republic into a Monarchy, then who will help the people who may have been deceived or may suffer or fear, if not the rest of humanity by ensuring at least the fairness and integrity of the electoral process?

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

5. Do you believe that every person should have the right to self-determination and absolute control over the management of their life even in the case of ending it? Should a person have the right to refuse a treatment or the continuation of a treatment even if it endangers his/her life? Should wo-man be able to choose a dignified end? Is it ultimately a human right to choose Euthanasia, in exceptional cases of serious illness such as... MORE
  • A.People should not be given this choices and life-saving efforts and mandatory treatments should be imposed, even without the person's willing consent, when their life is threatened. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B.There should always be a choice and if someone does not want a treatment, this should always be respected. But not in Euthanasia because doctors have sworn by the Hippocratic Oath that they will not give a lethal drug to someone who asks for it, nor will they give him such a suggestion. After all, Euthanasia is one thing and the choice or not of treatment is another, where the patient's consent is mandatory based on the laws. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • C.There should be the option of Euthanasia, but under very strictly observed conditions. Obviously, the person himself should wish for it, there should be the consent of the first degree relatives and a certificate from the treating doctor that there is no room for improvement, nor treatment of the disease (physical or mental)… MORE 100%, 4 votes
    4 votes 100%
    4 votes - 100% of all votes
  • D.Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
December 12, 2022
Polls Archive

When a person with a serious incurable disease, no longer has quality time in his life but only pain and fears.

When an elderly person can't walk, has incontinence, can't take care of himself, needs someone by his side all the time for support, feels shame and loses his dignity without enjoying anything in life.

When a doctor diagnoses that there is no cure and that in the limited time frame towards the end of a person the "journey" will be constantly worsening to the point of torture, while the patient himself feels that and does not want to live anymore?

What happens when even his-her loved ones can't bear to see him being tortured anymore?

In such cases a deadly medicine which may be given to a wo-man and under these circumstances, will not violate the Hippocratic oath, inasmuch as it will neither be prescribed by the doctor, nor given lightly by him to anyone who asks for it, but will be the result of respecting a conscious choice and fulfilling the human desire to be able to end an unbearable life.

We can't forcefully save those people who don't want to be saved, because if I save a person with my own data, I may help him survive but he feels unhappy and feels like he's living a torture, a daily nightmare of "constantly waiting for death" and then it is not really salvation, but excruciating torture.

In this case, euthanasia should be called euzoia. We were born without wanting it, without being asked and we lived not as we would like, but struggling to do as we want. At least shouldn’t we be able to choose, under reasonable conditions, to end our lives as we wish? With dignity?

Life is a gift from God and a right of every human being, not an obligation. Otherwise there shouldn't be heroes in this world, there shouldn't be people who sacrifice themselves for their beliefs and the common good. I don't want others to decide for my life!

Some are driven to suicide. Suicide usually under violent circumstances since there are no other options. The right to end one's life is not recognized. He must live as long as possible. To exhaust all possibilities even if he is tyrannized and feels that he is being humiliated and wants the earth to open and swallow him. How many more people must be tortured, and for how long, until we can find the right conditions under which an alternative solution could be created?

How many families must be destroyed, to support their seriously ill elderly parents or members, who do not even want this life? Even if the children feel sorry and if they wanted to help what could they do? Kill their own parents and then risk being accused of murder?

How many people must be condemned by devoting their lives to the care of a human being, who can be like a sick plant and which if could speak say "have pity on me, help me die".

How many people must be tortured unwillingly to live without wanting it!

How many times does someone have to enter the hospital without the hope of getting better and even occupying a bed, which is not available by someone else who wants to live, consuming financial funds for the non-existent treatment, or the involuntary maintenance of his life.

And finally this society wants to save those who do not want to be saved, or cannot be saved and cannot save those who try to reach out, those who struggle daily with diseases, with lack of money, with lack of work, with the lack of security and with the lack of justice.

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

From posts:
7. Do you think that the reality that was presented with “PANAMA” and “PARADISE” and “PANDORA PAPERS” is acceptable? With this revelation it becomes clear that millionaires around the world hide their income in “tax heavens” to avoid taxation and contribution to the common good, leaving the common people, the daily workers in the hell of everyday life, to pay for the operation and security of the state ...MORE
  • A. It's legal, therefore justified and acceptable. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B. It's not fair, but this is how the world works and unfortunately there is nothing we can do. 25%, 1 vote
    1 vote 25%
    1 vote - 25% of all votes
  • C. It's unjust and immoral and definitely needs immediate treatment, so that the injustice is stopped and such phenomena are not repeated again. In a world where critical security and justice services are underperforming, in a world of unemployment and hunger, such accumulation of wealth and concealment and avoidance of obligations, is absurdly unjust and disgusting, and the world community must take care to eliminate it immediately, even if many world leaders will be personally affected. 75%, 3 votes
    3 votes 75%
    3 votes - 75% of all votes
  • D.Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
January 3, 2023
Polls Archive

Journalists from all over the world worked together to uncover one of the worst realities in our lives. So they managed with difficulty, anxiety and risk, even for their lives, to reveal the PANAMA… PAPERS.

The leak of the names of the "Panama Archives" caused great concern to the "powerful" and the rich of the whole planet, as among the names were many heads of states, many businessmen, bankers, public officials, journalists, footballers, singers, actors and even rich people from illegal activities of common criminal law. And all these millionaires hid their income in the tax heavens, in order to avoid taxation and the contribution to the common good, but also to hide amounts that could not justify their possession by legal means.

One of the leading journalists in the shocking revelations of the Panama Papers scandals, the Maltese Daphne Garuana Galizzia, was brutally murdered in Malta, apparently as an example.

But people have shown that in the name of liberty and justice they do not even count death. A few days after her assassination, new revelations, new names of kings, prime ministers, presidents, companies, millionaires hiding their precious treasures in financial paradises, as pirates once hid their booty boxes in secret places, in some remote deserted islands and drew maps so they could find them again. Millions of such new "maps" were leaked after the continuation of the investigation of the global network of journalists (ICIJ) and this time they were named "PARADISE PAPERS".

Such is the power of people, that a man alone could change the course of the whole world! One alone could discover or invent something so important that would help or even save all the people on earth, while another, with a wrong pull of the trigger, could deprive the world of the previous man/woman, or with the wrong push of a button, could destroy humanity and the entire planet. After all, destroying is much easier than creating! You do not need special skills to kill a human "diamond", even a human "garbage" can do it.

This was the tragic result of the revelations. Instead of making people in every corner of the globe rise up and take the immoral ones with stones, the murders of journalists continued. They who were doing their sacred work, wanting to make the world a little better were hunted. One after another, journalists investigating global corruption were tragically killed, including 27-year-old Ján Kuciak, who was found dead with his unfortunate partner in their Bratislava apartment and sweet Victoria Marinova who was first raped and then brutally murdered in Bulgaria, but also many others around the world, most tragically of all the Saudi Jamal Kasogi, who was cut into pieces while he was alive in Saudi Arabia's Consulate in Istanbul and his dismembered body was scattered and never found!

The meaning that some people wanted to pass on, is that in order to become a star of journalism, one has to tell the news which will not bother the kings of wealth, while the real stars, the right and incorruptible journalists, went out unprotected. But it is a great pity that some people risk everything and sacrifice themselves to reveal the truth and in the end nothing substantial "comes out" of all this and no one is corrected.

The ICIJ recently revealed and the "PANDORA PAPERS" one of the largest lists that once again demonstrates the dimensions of global corruption. "So what, another list!" one could say!

How many more "PAPERS" must be revealed and how many journalists must be sacrificed, so that some measures can finally be taken. But by whom? Once again it becomes clear that there is no universal justice. Because no matter how fair all the states of the world are, if there is even a small spot on the planet (like the tax haven of the Cayman Islands) that remains out of control and outside the rules of law, then there will find refuge, the injustice of the whole world.

If there was anyone who could and should once again intervene in such global issues, it would be the UN with it’s organs, the International Court of Justice and the International Monetary Fund, but once again they are absent and once again stood below the circumstances.

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

9. In self-destructive habits and especially in drug use, do you think that it should be considered a serious crime apart from illegality, and therefore the person who is a user should be imprisoned?
  • A. Yes it is a crime and the user should be jailed. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B. No it is not a crime because the user does not bother anyone, only harms himself. It is a pity that the prisons are filled with sick, weak, addicted, self-destructive people who in no way will improve themselves in prisons, on the contrary they will get worse. They could pay a fine (like those who don't wear a seat belt in the car) which even goes to a fund that will support drug addiction. 75%, 3 votes
    3 votes 75%
    3 votes - 75% of all votes
  • C. Not sure or no idea 25%, 1 vote
    1 vote 25%
    1 vote - 25% of all votes
  • D. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
January 14, 2023
Polls Archive

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

From posts:
11. Are you satisfied with the functioning and effectiveness of the European Union?
  • A.Yes, it is a very good and useful union of states, which has created a common market and formed a democratic coalition that has global power and it guarantees security, justice, progress and prosperity. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • B.No, I'm not satisfied and I think a lot of changes are needed. The EU institution is good, but it has ended up as another slow organization, with a large number of well-paid executives and officials, which is ineffective in difficult critical situations and is unable to fulfill its purpose. What I would like and would like the European Union officials and the leaders of the Member States to know is an essential union, with common rules, with a common policy and the ability to make quick and correct decisions, above all with respect for the human values of freedom, justice and love, but also with respect for the particularities of the peoples of Europe... MORE 100%, 4 votes
    4 votes 100%
    4 votes - 100% of all votes
  • C.No, it is a failed union. The European Union of Germany disappointed a large portion of Europeans, who believed in unity, brotherhood of peoples and human progress in peace and justice, and I would not mind if it disintegrated or if my country left it. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • D. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
  • F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes
    0 votes
    0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 4
January 18, 2023
Polls Archive

For example, on the issue of immigration, various groups began to form, depending on the common interests of the states, which did not follow the EU decisions. They followed their own policy, especially in matters concerning refugees and immigrants from Muslim countries, forming like this smaller unions of states and erecting fences between states, instead of common policy and confrontation. This is not called union but separation.

Even on the issue of solidarity, there are many gaps between North and South, poor and rich, strong and weak. This is not called union but separation.

Especially with Greece, which is the difficult border of Europe and constantly has to deal with an aggressive and threatening neighbor, irrationally assertive, simply because they can due to power, since they have six times the territory and eight times the population of Greece, the critical moment when one would expect to see solidarity, the moral duty of helping each other, the obligation that the members of a group have to support and strengthen each other, what one sees is that interests prevail. The individual commercial relations of the states with Turkey appear to be the first priority. Even if it involves weapons systems in an aggressive state overarmed that can use them against allies, justice comes second and bulling between states doesn't count. As long as trade relations are not disrupted. This is not called union but separation.

Unfortunately, Greece is not the exception, since the affected Italy also felt helpless during the covid pandemic.

If there really were friendly fraternal relations between the member states, perhaps the British, those certainly European friends, might not have decided to leave the EU which they decided with a cold heart.

The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.

From posts: