- A. Yes it is a good law, which fortunately decongest the prisons and so they work better. After all, let's not forget that it was voted by an elected government, which means that it has the approval of the majority. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- B. Yes, it is a good law, but some improvements maybe needed, such as the recent increase in the minimum sentence that a convicted person must serve. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- C. No, I personally consider this law a disgrace to logic and human morality. In principle, it invalidates the very laws that provide specific penalties for specific offenses. The inability of the state of justice to make the penitentiary system work properly cannot be corrected by a mistake that leads to even more injustices. The approach to the issue is completely wrong and the failure of the penitentiary system and the state of justice is enormous, which should be more interested in the life attitude correction (repentance) of illegals and their release in the society, only if the protection of the law respecting citizens is ensured, from possible recurrence of their crimes. I do not believe that this law has the support of the people, some mistake must be made, some misunderstanding, since there are people, even those who voted for the government that passed this law, who consider that they do not agree and did not give their approval for such a law. This law must be withdrawn immediately. 83%, 5 votes5 votes 83%5 votes - 83% of all votes
- D.Not sure or no idea 17%, 1 vote1 vote 17%1 vote - 17% of all votes
- E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
One of those who benefited from the law, was the Afghan who had thrown 23-year-old Spyridoula from a cliff (8 meters high) in Corfu in 2013, had been arrested, had been sentenced to 10 years, had been imprisoned and in 2015 was released from prison and went to Germany where he raped and brutally killed 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger, whose life was a promise of offering to humanity.
In August 2015, 67-year-old Manolis Oikonomou was tortured to death in Hydra by three people who also were released under the favorable provisions of the law, as happened with the murderer of 27-year-old Theodoros Papadopoulos. Unfortunately if someone continues to search will find thousands of released convicts for crimes and other tragic examples.
Even the Association of Prosecutors in Greece had expressed its objections pointing out that: "These regulations are equivalent to annulment of judicial decisions and negate the general and specific preventive effect of the imposed penalty" as seen here … Πηγή: iefimerida.gr - https://www.iefimerida.gr/news/450059/stoiheia-sok-pano-apo-12000-kratoymenoi-ehoyn-apofylakistei-me-ton-nomo-paraskeyopoyloy
The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.
- A.The measure is correct, one cannot publish someone's face without their approval. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- B.The measure is correct because an accused may ultimately be innocent and his image damaged. Provision could be made to release someone's image only after they have been found guilty by a court. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- C.The measure is wrong and needs many changes. One should think about his own rights before committing an illegal act. First of all, making public the image (seeing the face) of someone who has committed an illegality (even tax evasion) seems to be the minimum normal punishment that a person who commits an illegality should suffer. It is the sense of shame (if created) that can lead to remorse and compliance. Second it is still the right of people who are trying to live legally, to know from which people they may be in danger so that they can protect themselves. Another reason is that this face can be recognized by other people who may have suffered similar damage from the particular person or other witnesses of his actions and help in the better administration of justice... MORE 75%, 3 votes3 votes 75%3 votes - 75% of all votes
- D. Not sure or no idea 25%, 1 vote1 vote 25%1 vote - 25% of all votes
- E. Not interested 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- F.I don't want to answer this question. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Even in the event that someone is finally acquitted by a court of law, an apology can and must be made, all the necessary clarifications must be given and all the necessary actions must be taken to restore the person's reputation.
We are human and we make mistakes, the point is to be able to correct them and not repeat them, but also learn to forgive those who deserve our forgiveness.
The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.
- A.I believe that parliamentary immunity is well implemented so that MPs can freely carry out their work without fear of being prosecuted for their choices. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- B.I believe it is wrong to apply parliamentary immunity because we should all be equal before the laws and no one above them. We must all take responsibility for our actions and if one has immunity it leads to arbitrariness and indifference. 100%, 1 vote1 vote 100%1 vote - 100% of all votes
- C. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- D. Not interested 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- E.I don't want to answer this question yet. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.
- A.I believe that it is good that the President is elected by the parties, because the members of the parliament are elected by the people and they must choose someone they can work with. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- B.I believe that it is not right for the President to be elected by the parties and he/she should be elected by the people. The President must not have a symbolic and formal character, but must have the strength and power so that he/she can really respond to the sacred duty of the regulator of the system of government and for this reason she/he must have the esteem, the respect, the love and mandate of the People, so that she/he functions as the guardian of the Republic. 100%, 1 vote1 vote 100%1 vote - 100% of all votes
- C. Not sure or no idea 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- D. Not interested 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- E.I don't want to answer this question yet. 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
The results of the voting do not represent the common opinion of the world or all internet users, but they carry the weight of the opinion of the number of people who voted in Cosmovote. When end if, a large-proper number of people vote in Cosmovote, then we will be able to claim that the voting represents the common opinion of the world.